Who we are
We are a highly specialized provider of cloud solutions in the industry. We operate in the multicloud model, offering both its own products and services as part of the OChK Platform, as well as solutions of its strategic partners, Google and Microsoft. As a result, we provide clients with the freedom to choose between the available options for adopting cloud solutions. We help to optimize IT processes and costs by shortening the time of project implementation and increasing operational efficiency. We provide IT architecture migration and transformation services. OChK advises on the selection of solutions in the field of advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence of machine learning, optimal for a given industry and stage of development. We support organizations in building their individual path to the cloud and the process of transferring knowledge necessary for the effective use of cloud solutions.
Our values
Learn about the values on which we build both our organizational culture and our relationships with the external environment.
Each of these values was defined in the Code of Conduct by examples of behaviors that help OChK achieve its business goals.
Management Board

Michał Potoczek

Paweł Ławecki

Krystian Najbert

Robert Przychodzień
Supervisory Board
Agnieszka Ogłaza
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board
Marcin Cieślik
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Maciej Jędrak
Member of the Supervisory Board
Aleksander Poniewierski
Member of the Supervisory Board